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Naughty Rocky


Programmer, Designer


2-week work 

2021/09/21 - 2021/10/5


Oculus Quest2




Naughty Rocky is a game using virtual reality technology and the VR device Oculus Quest2. We made this game in the course called Build Virtual World at Carnegie Mellon University.

The player is from a view of a naughty dog called Rocky, who wants to mess up and play in the room after the owner left home. After some time, it receives a voice message from the owner saying she is coming home. And now it's time to clean up everything it has messed up!

Players can freely interact with objects in the scene, such as pulling drawers, spraying paint, pouring coke, throwing garbage, etc.

Assigned Theme

Naïve guest x Feel of freedom

Create a consistent, highly interactive, and engaging experience that lets naïve guests feel like they have a lot of freedom in the choices they make. Player only can control the guest in the game by face image and voice. The game cannot use direct introduction to guide players; should only use story, visual design, and sound design to let players know how to play and complete the game.


I took responsibility for the game development, animation and gameplay brainstorm in this project.

For game development , I focus on gameplay building,  the object interaction in oculus. I did lots of work on UI design, Shader ,lighting and post-processing to make Naïve guest be comfortable with the virtual environment . And also was responsible for Quality Assurance


You can download the game here (need Oculus Quest2)

  • Game Video

  • Tutorial

  • invite playtesters to iterate prototype

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For this game, we invited over 20 people with varying levels of gaming experience to participate in our playtest, but we are still unable to predict the behavior of the next player.

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